My bad luck opening boxes just wont go away (bought 1 box + 6 packs of Bowman Heritage)
Posts: 909
This is like the first box I have opened in like months (cause I got some b-day money finally). But even a long break didnt help me, I just can never get a good pull. I opened the last 6 packs in one box, no gu or auto. Then I decided to open one pack at a time in another box and I did not get a gu or auto until the very last pack. Unbelieveable. I wanted to spend $30 at the most but ended up spending $70. Very last pack, unbelievable. And thats happened to me like 3 times before. And of course when I assume the good cards are on the bottom then they are on the very top pack. I just cant catch a break. BTW: The auto was a Hank Blalock. I also got a bunch ogf SP's and some of the reprints and parallels in case anyone wants anything
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail
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