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jbugs - We Have a Problem...

You owe me $17.00 which is pretty much going to go fully to shipping and handling charges on packages waiting to be sent. But after reading your posts you accuse me of recieving. I would have told you and also I would have already sent out all my packages such as AlanB's + 6 Others I have (Including Non-CU). So we need to get this straightened out either you send me the money or I re-sell/trade the cards. I can assure you I have not go the money. I might be a slow sender right now but no a liar. image PLMK ASAP.


  • $18.00 my bad...
  • ya, uve got the damn money. uve lied before. u said u sent packages to alanb twice, who knows ur telling the truth now? I KNOW you have MY MONEY! Send me my cards, or post office and police will be contacted.
  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    Hey jbugs.

    Just curious not getting on either side but how do you know he has your money? If you sent cash the police/post office cant do anything about it. Why didnt you send check or money order???
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236
    jbugs is an idiot...
  • Bigshane..... Where are my cards???You recieved mine a while ago now - plmk Thanks
    referances on my web site - Thanks


  • LMAO @ Thito. I kind of figured that one out after he jumped down my throat for asking him why 97 Contenders was Hot. He was the only one on this board that thought it was too.
  • thito, ur the idiot! ur just mad because champbailey is the only good player on your team, and you know that the skins have no chance!

    hitech- ur just a jackazz and have ur head stuck so far up ur azz it aint funny

    bigshane- I WANT MY CARDS!
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>thito, ur the idiot! ur just mad because champbailey is the only good player on your team, and you know that the skins have no chance!

    hitech- ur just a jackazz and have ur head stuck so far up ur azz it aint funny

    bigshane- I WANT MY CARDS! >>

    thank u for proving my point...
  • JBugs is still sore over my 97 contenders poll where everyone said it was one of the worst sets out there. Awwwwwwww, it's ok, don't worry, maybe you can sell some of the great inserts you pulled from it and pay Big Shane via a Money Order.
  • jbugs - I have not recieved your money. Fine call the police, national guard, G. W. Bush himself. The fact is I never got a cent from you. Until I get my $18 you will not only be on my bad traders list but I will get the word around that your a dead beat. Think before you speak moron. If you want. Next time I'm online here at the library I'll get you the link to the USPS Agency, blah, blah, I didn't get jack from you. Plus you know that, and you know you didn't send the money.

    THiTo - That's one of the fews things we agree on. Along with Wash. D is gonna be Great. As I picked em up in a few fantasy leagues.

    T28Jag - Going out prior to Friday.

  • ya, I WANT MY CARDS. Echoboy got his cards that I sent him a few DAYS ago. ITs been a few weeks so I know youve gotten payment, ive posted you on 3 boards so far, and will be posting you on many more.
  • Just wondering.. .jbugs... did you send with delivery confirmation? like.. do you have any proof that he received??? Just by saying that someone else received in a couple days doesnt prove that he received anything. Or.. did you send a check or money order? If so have you checked if they have been cashed??
  • No, he doesn't have ANY proof nor would he, I have not recieved his payment. I know he is lying. I had a feelings about him from the get go, almost as if he forgot all about the auction. Not only an idiot but a lame-buyer too.
  • im lying, i dont think so! A feeling from the get go? why? all i have had is good deals on here until you. you are the one who has had several bad deals, and you are always lying out your azz saying you sent stuff even though you didnt. a lame buyer?? hmmm, ive bought from a few ppl on here, and buy on ebay and yahoo all the time. I just spent $250 on 15 boxes, sent payment to him saturday and he got his money, how come you MYSTERIOUSLY didnt? you want his email addy. Does any of the 6 ppl you said you sent to 3 different times get their stuff, or did you forget again? does alanb have his cards yet?
  • jbugs... You're right I could just say "I didn't get the money." But am I? No. Trust me or not. I will just split the cards up and get rid of them. Not my fault you did not send the money. Kinda funny you have no proof yet your saying or mor elike telling everyone I got it. Koolman is one of my best friends real life & on the board. The minute I got that $ in the mail who ya think I would tell first? I'd be Bobby I'd call him and say we should go buy soem cards. But I myself haven't bought jack since the Fleer Focus box. We had $18 together. Which was 100% his but I sold him Some Dillon for $10. So you can say I got it, report me all you want but face the facts you know you didn't send the money. You sure do make up some good stories though, better then me even...
  • TTT, I wanna hear what you have to say ya cheap skate.
  • cheap skate?? LMAO!! MAN I love how you CHANGE your story.

    << <i>I might be a slow sender right now but no a liar. >>

    << <i>You sure do make up some good stories though, better then me even... >>

    which one u lying about there?

    << <i>$17.00 which is pretty much going to go fully to shipping and handling charges on package >>

    << <i>The minute I got that $ in the mail who ya think I would tell first? I'd be call him and say we should go buy soem cards >>

    how about there? which one would you do. spend the money you stole for yourself, or use it to send the other ppls packages out that you havent sent.
  • You're quite pathetic jbugs...

    I might be a slow sender right now but no a liar.
    You sure do make up some good stories though, better then me even...

    Which am I lying about? Hmmm... neither ya moron. When I said you make up better stories then me what makes you think I was talking about sports cards and trading? Think before you speak.

    $18.00 which is pretty much going to go fully to shipping and handling charges on package
    The minute I got that $ in the mail who ya think I would tell first? I'd be call him and say we should go buy soem cards

    Gee... I HIGHLY doubt the entire $18 would be used on s/h charges therefore it would results in me buying a few packs. You have a brain right? USE IT!
  • Come on your online. Let's hear your BS.
  • oops my bad, so lying all those times and saying you sent the cards to those ppl wasnt lying, and making up stories about how you sent them isnt lying or sports card and trading related????

    << <i>Gee... I HIGHLY doubt the entire $18 would be used on s/h charges >>

    << <i>$18.00 which is pretty much going to go fully to shipping and handling charges on package >>

    read a little closer, one minute you say going FULLY to shipping, the next not. And with at least 6 ppls packages that pretty damn near $18. It usually costs me $2-$5 to send packages, unless its 1 or 2 cards, then it more like $1.

    and as for quite pathetic, how many bad deals have I had?? NONE. How many have you had? At least 10!

    and back to this(which i posted)
    hmmm, ive
    bought from a few ppl on here, and buy on ebay and yahoo all the time. I just spent $250 on 15 boxes, sent payment to him saturday
    and he got his money, how come you MYSTERIOUSLY didnt? you want his email addy. Does any of the 6 ppl you said you sent to 3
    different times get their stuff, or did you forget again? does alanb have his cards yet? (adding) how about taylor28jag ?? how come echoboy and the other 15 ppl ive sent cards/payment to in the last 3 weeks got theirs, but you didnt? Kinda strange how youve had a history of bad deals before these, and your starting again.

  • << <i>read a little closer, one minute you say going FULLY to shipping, the next not. And with at least 6 ppls packages that pretty damn near $18. It usually costs me $2-$5 to send packages, unless its 1 or 2 cards, then it more like $1. >>

    Ok, I read closer... point being? When I said fully I ment as in I will you as much need for shipping as I have to. All are single card deals cept for Taylor28Jag. There for they are $0.60 a piece Hmmmm.6 x 5 = $3, then Taylor's will be maybe $1.85 or less. So $5 towards shipping... WOW! So that'd be $13 left for packs and such.

    << <i>and as for quite pathetic, how many bad deals have I had?? NONE. How many have you had? At least 10! >>

    I don't know what you consider a "bad deal" but my definition of a bad deal is when somebody is ripped off in the process of ending the transaction. Therefore I have None and you have one. Because I alwasy make up on my deals when they are late I sent another card or something I think they might like. EX. AlanB is getting another GU'ed since it took me so long. As for your who "Bad Deal" it's with me since you never sent the money and your dragging this far.

    << <i>and back to this(which i posted)
    hmmm, ive bought from a few ppl on here, and buy on ebay and yahoo all the time. I just spent $250 on 15 boxes, sent payment to him saturday and he got his money, how come you MYSTERIOUSLY didnt? you want his email addy. Does any of the 6 ppl you said you sent to 3 different times get their stuff, or did you forget again? does alanb have his cards yet? (adding) how about taylor28jag ?? how come echoboy and the other 15 ppl ive sent cards/payment to in the last 3 weeks got theirs, but you didnt? Kinda strange how youve had a history of bad deals before these, and your starting again. >>

    Do I care if you have bought from others on here? or on ebay? or yahoo? or do I care that you just spent $250? NO! 6 People? I see you listed AlanB and Taylor28Jag. It might just be me but 2 in only 1/3 of 6. Find me the other 4 I owe then we can talk about that. I dunno maybe echoboy did get his money but do I care jbugs, do I really care? NO! because I haven't recieved my money. You didn't send it and don't say you did. Someone with a brain probably would have sent delivery confirmation. Maybe that's just me....

    Now... ya gotta do better because I'm pretty PO'ed that your trying to make it look like I recieved the money when I clearly didn't. I have recieved a $17 check from a guy for a Stewart GU and a HAm Auto and I recieved $10 in cash from a guy for 3 $10 Game USed. But I recieved jack $hit from you. Oh and bopth were sent after you sent.
  • Come on, I gotta go soon.
  • yeah shane still doesnt have themoney you were suppose to send.
  • he's lying out his azz!!! he's got it. I like how he lies all the other times but for some reason he isnt lying now? LOL YA RIGHT! He's lied multiple times in this thread, and has some LAME AZZ excuses to try to cover them up. Im through with this bullsh*t!! Its been over a month and I still havent gotten my cards. YOu may be right, I have no way to prove I sent the money, Ive never had a problem sending cash on any deal under $20, until his punk azz now. I have a clean slat on here but, sorry to say, i shoulda looked into him a little harder before I made the deal, cause he's ripped off and lied to several ppl before me, and during the same time as me. I believe I still have a clean slat, with 4-5 deals that have gone down great on HERE recently. Derrick(sent cash!), Echoboy, Calikev(about 3 weeks ago), Kbryant, and my second or 3rd deal with kobecollector(cards going out saturday!) I like how he's had pretty much nothing but problems on here, same reason he got the boot from CE.

    OH and what wrong with his computer now??
  • the same thing that has been wrong with it for the past month... he doesnt have his monitor yet. and its no this fault that he hasnt recieved the money. and just because youhave had noproblems with anyone else doesnt mean that he is ripping you off.
  • how come he was on all day for like 3 days straight?? and you wanna know why I think he's ripping me off, because he has had SEVERAL BAD TRADES in the last few weeks, plus a bunch more that he had problems with a few months ago causing him to be booted from CE. WHo is to believe
    jbugs-never had a bad deal, has had several GREAT deals in the month time frame this happened

    bigshane-lies out his azz and has had SEVERAL BAD TRADES!!
  • He goes to the library to use their computer..

    Actually it doesn't matter what everyone else believes because i know and he knows and you know and some others know he hasnt recieved the money.

  • << <i>ya, uve got the damn money. uve lied before. u said u sent packages to alanb twice, who knows ur telling the truth now? I KNOW you have MY MONEY! Send me my cards, or post office and police will be contacted. >>

    LMAO! You sure are one big idiot! There are people out there getting murdered, raped, kidnapped and here you are saying that you're going to contact the police! LOL! Bro, the police have other serious matters to worry about other than your damn cards!

    Wake up!!
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