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Time of strike changed??

I just read an article in my local paper, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal. It says the striek time is not 12 midnight, it is 2:20, apparently the time when the Cubs and Cardinals will be playing. Thats not too smart, it should be at midnight. That way the owners dont have to pay for the travel if there is a strike and that way there wont be as much thrown on the field as there would have been on the 29th. The fans do know that any agreement would most likely come down to the wire so there wont be as much thrown on the field on thursday cause they know there is still a couple hours left. But to do it when teams are just starting to play that day with a packed house especially in Chicago is going to be suicidal. I can just hear it now, over the loudspeaker it is announce that the players are now on strike. Then the players will run off the field while they are getting pelted with full bottles of beer and soda. Here is the article in case you want to read it. JS Strike Article An interesting thing in that article is it says the players are actually on a daily food "allowance" of $73.50. I know they get free hotel rooms and airfare, but you gotta be kidding me, they can't pay for their own food? And $73.50? I dont care where you go, if you need $73.50 to spend on food everyday and the only 2 meals you can basically go out for are breakfast and lunch (which is cheaper than dinner; most games are at night) then there is something wrong.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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