Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

can someone explain this registry move?

I recently sent in 8 free subbmissions, 1 being the SBA from the type 2 79 proof set I
had purchased. It came back as pr68dcam, so I pulled the 67dcam from my set..
right then it said it was 68.00 (pt wise) I then added the 79 type 2 1 pt higher, and
my set rating stayed at 68.00...HOW???????//

doesnt make sence..rating goes up by dropping a type 2 and stays there
when I add one.

Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill


  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭
    The 68.00 rating is the average of the coins IN your set. It does not take into account what you don't have. So, apparently, the Type 2 in 67 was pulling the average down. When you took it out (a 67 point coin) the average of your REMAINING coins went up. Then, because your new coin is a 68 point coin, when you added it, it did not change the average. If I mumbled that too much, give me the name of your set and I'll look at it and run the numbers specifically for your set.


  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    no actually Wayne once again you have helped me.

    Thanks for doing it in a way I could understand image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill


    You must be a mathematical genius ! i have another one for you

    In the Indian cent registry the highest GPA is 67.88. How does the Dr. Epstein set have a GPA of 67.88 ?

    How does the #7 collection have a set rating higher than the #8 collection ?

    How does the # 12 set have a set rating lower than the # 9 set with the GPA,% complete and the % of red taken into consideration?

  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The initial post talked about Set Rating when he should have said "average grade". The set rating will always go up when you add a coin, the average grade may go down, stay the same or go up depending on what grade the coin added was.

    Average grade is far overshadowed by the weighting scheme in determining set rating. That is why a collection further down the list might have a higher average grade - the keys aren't as nice.
  • Tradedollarnut is exactly right. Until you get near 100% complete the average rating only gives you an indication of the quality and what might be in a hidden set. I have a question though. How can the Dr. Epstein set be "updated" when its not even part of the current finest collections???????? And why doesn't it display the grades with higher pops? I would expect this would confirm that it was a perfect collection at least from a grading standpoint.
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭

    I think others beat me to the answer but if you need more, let me know.

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