Picked up a nice collectible from Arby's. :)
Posts: 4,803
Every year, Arby's locally puts out a "Kick-Off" program for the local college (University of Tennessee). The last football I got has Tee-Martin handing off to Jamal Lewis. This year, it has Kelley Washington on the cover who is ranked #1 in college football. I may try to get this signed this year. Actually, I think I can. One of my co-workers is always at the athletic department. He played basketball for UT and was drafted in the 6th round by Houston Rockets and got cut the last week before the season stated (he was sick all weak, so they went ahead and released him). He got a UT jacket signed for another employee who is retiring in December which was signed by Phillip Fulmer, Doug Dickey, and Kelley Washington. .. Guess I ask him on Monday can he hook it up for me.