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Please help me on a 1943-S DDO Washington!

I have the opportunity to buy a nice 1943-S Washinton quarter which shows what I onsider to be heavy machine doubling on "In God We Trust". Is the DDO of this date doubled on the date, motto, or what else. Thanks a million in advance.
I collect circulated U.S. silver


  • JohnsCoinsJohnsCoins Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭
    According to Breen #4319, the doudling is on the motto, the date and liberty. The doudling shows south on the motto. Thats the best I can do.

  • morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    I collect circulated U.S. silver
  • While Johnscoins described the "most common??" doubling of the 43-S, there are acctually seven differnet DDO Varieties on that coin. If it is in the IN GOD WE TRUST are only, look for it in LIBERTY also there should be a strong CE spread, the date and nose. If you are looking for BREEN 4319 DDO, you may want to look for the die marks also as it does cost more than the other varieties. Should be a die crack accross the forehead east into the hair, crack across the base of the bust and a die scratch north of G in GOD.
    Good luck on it!

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