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Full Disclosure?

I was browsing through ebay, and one item that was ending caught my eye. Recently there has been some talk about what the holder says and about companies like ACG. I'm new to this message board and this item has been up a week, so forgive me if this has been posted before. Also, I don't know who the seller is, he has all positive feedback, and I don't want to sound like I'm bashing this guy. I'm just pointing out his ebay auction and asking a general question.

Ebay auction

Should knowledgable dealers/collectors who know about grading and grading services point out inconsistencies in grading? This seller's auctions don't seem right. His marketing scheme is to quote a value on these slabbed coins and show that you will get a good bargain. As if you can buy these for a fraction of their value and resell them for close to $7517. (Notice how he doesn't round up or down, but has the exact number).

I'm not blaming this seller directly. Maybe he doesn't know about these grading companies and is selling these coins for somebody. He may know nothing about coins and used the PCGS price guide as a suggestion.

Look at the companies: NTC, ICG, PCI, ACG ?!? And to quote the PCGS price guide?!?Heresy!

I would HOPE that a knowledgeable seller would NOT market these coins for what they're worth in the PCGS price guide, and would disclose how some of these companies grade coins. Also, a description of what these coins should grade. WHY? ETHICS. For the beginning collector who thinks they're getting a good deal and winds up with garbage. The coin market is hot and people are looking for new investment ideas. To think of someone passing garbage coins as good investment ideas makes me sick. I think of the brokers who sold their clients ".com" and telecom and tech stocks in the mid '90s.
"Buy the coin, not the holder"

Proof Dime Registry Set


  • Well, looking at several of his auctions, they appear to be grab bags of coins (mostly in third tier slabs). The auction you link to has all kinds of red flags for me. He talks about "investing" in "rare" coins when they're all moderns--not a "rare" coin in the bunch. Then there is the "book value" issue. Which book are we talking about? I suppose if one were looking for budget slabs to turn around, this sort of auction might be just the thing, but it's clearly overhyped.
    The strangest things seem suddenly routine.

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