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I saw Bud Selig at Pick 'n Save!!!

Me and my mom had just left the grocery store and we were driving out of the parking lot when we saw him talking to some woman. Not someone who most people like, but, he is semi-famous.

BTW...we live in WI and he owns the Brewers........you catch my drift.


  • You shoulda kicked his @$$ or at least open a carton of eggs and nail him...
  • I hope someday I get the chance to flip him the bird. I also live in SE wisconsin and hope I meet him somewhere. Tell him to kiss my @*s. Also tell him thanks for helping destroy MLB and not to mention the AS game which I paid $300 for. Selig is such an idiot. Oh not to mention what he has done to the brewers franchise, dont even get me started on that.
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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  • OK. Thanx for the suggestions on next time I see him.....
  • I met Bud Selig two years ago at the Congressional Softball Game, and had the distinct pleasure of shaking his hand and telling him, "You are single-handedly ruining baseball." One of my finest moments.
  • i dont think anybody likes bud selig, but he's not the one destroying baseball. its the freaking players who dont think they make enough money(even though they make more than most sports) and all they do is stand around half the freaking time.
  • Way to be uwftke26. LMFAO.
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  • Bud Selig has helped destroy baseball. He and Fehr. Both are morons and both have helped destroy the game. Once these 2 are gone baseball will be a better game. I feel sorry for many of the players who are not with the union on this one. There are tons who think they are making plenty of money and think that they can give up a little bit to continue playing. There are tons of playing speaking out over this strike, not like in 94 when like every player was with the union. Fehr and his cronies are helping to convinve a ton of players taht they are worth even more than they are now and that to go on strike is the best thing to do. Fehr, manyif not most players, and Selig have all helped destroy the game.
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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  • The players are fools if they think striking is in their best interests...they walk now, and Selig will have full power to rewrite the rules...salary cap...luxury tax...the whole nine yards. Then he sits back and says, if the Arods and jeters of the world want to come back at 5 million per year, they're welcome too. If not, have fun working at Blockbuster. Remember, the players have zero leverage...no one will go see jeter playng for the Pawtucket Mudhens or whatever...they'll go see the Yankees.
  • I certainly don't think Selig is doing a stand-up job as commish, but I think the owners have kicked themselves in the butt too many times. Every time the bar gets raised ($105M for Kevin Brown (!?), $250M for ARod, absurd prices for mediocre pitchers) THE OWNERS are the ones behind it. Do I think the players should realize that this inflation can't go on forever and accept that luxury taxes/revenue sharing/salary caps are not only necessary to one degree or another but also fair (basketball, football, hockey all have something in effect)? Of course I do. But are the owners blameless? Absolutely not. Do they need to admit to the players and the fans that they have helped create an unsustainable economic model (along with soaring ticket/concession prices) that now needs to be fixed? I think so.
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  • I think the players are to blame. Sure some of the owners shouldn't be offering players the crazy contracts they do, but the players have it made. They have a dream life and to think they all want to strike because the owners want to give them less money. Hey if I'm making 3 million a year playing a sport and my boss wants to drop me and everyone else in the league making 3 million a year down to 2 million a year I'm all for it. Baseball players take the money for granted. They need a reality check.

    I don't know what sort of changes the owners want, but I would think the players because of one thing: Money. If the average salary in MLB is over 2Million and the players want more, or don't want to give in to making less, then to hell with all of them. I can't believe baseball is coming down to this again. What a joke.
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • I bought a shirt a couple weeks ago when I was at a twins game in minnesota. Selig is not my bud. Think that sums it up for all of us image
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