Co1lector- you don't want to trade me with?
Thats fine with me. You are a loser. Look at your post. A lot of good traders are trying to trade with you, but you HAVE to get the better end of the deal. Get a job and earn your money. Don't try to make your living off a bunch of people and kids who do this for a hobby and for fun. You make other people send first? Who died and made you king collector? Grow up man.
REFS: NatAker, Deshields17, Caricon, NASH,Baird34, 4sportcollector, Viking, coachvinny,naturalbrntrader,playr050, Jrccrum, epage64, euphoria18, Bobstar, Remster, CARDJUNKIE3, Oasurfer
REFS: NatAker, Deshields17, Caricon, NASH,Baird34, 4sportcollector, Viking, coachvinny,naturalbrntrader,playr050, Jrccrum, epage64, euphoria18, Bobstar, Remster, CARDJUNKIE3, Oasurfer