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Why is it that people get my cards in 3-4 days and it takes them 2 weeks to get me mine?

I think people are too afraid to ask someone to send first, so instead they just wait. Makes me mad cause i have no clue when to expect cards. Can't people just say "I am gonna wait till I get your cards bfore i send,, ok?" Instead of just thinking "I am gonna tell him i am gonna send in 2 days but instead I am gonna wait"


REFS: NatAker, Deshields17, Caricon, NASH,Baird34, 4sportcollector, Viking, coachvinny,naturalbrntrader,playr050, Jrccrum, epage64, euphoria18, Bobstar, Remster, CARDJUNKIE3, Oasurfer


  • There are multiple possibilities:

    1. They may not mail it from a post office, but just drop it in a drop box somewhere.

    2. Don't mail when they agreed to send.

    3. Their post office is unorganized and stuff gets overlooked or misrouted.
  • I've had the same problem, it's like some people agree to a deal, but then aren't reminded to send until they recieve your cards. Pisses me off.
  • same here guys...I know the PO here can be kinda slow but it still usually takes 4 days max for a card to get somewhere...I try to get to the PO before work and it doesn't take as long...some of the problems might be the age of the trader...too young to drive and have to depend on someone to take it to the PO for them...or just for them to get stamps
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭
    Brave, it's Communism at it's finest...
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