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I want your 1998-99 SP Authentic commons, #1-90.

Hi all. I am looking for cards from the base set, numbers one thru 90 from 1998-99 SP Authentic basketball. Will buy or trade, depending on how many you have. Thanks.

Waiting for 2000-01 SPx Spectrums to hit eBay...Being a big fan of the Boston Celtics...Site


  • Dan,

    I have almsot every card from the set. Make me a cash offer or a trade. Email me at jppoway15@aol.com and let me know what ones you need.
  • I have a couple complete sets from boxs that I opened. Let me know if your interested in one.
  • hehe I got the MPG of that Carter dunk from a side angle from the point of stealing the ball til when he pushes Garnett.
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