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Who Have You Had Sucess With Getting An Autograph In The Mail....

I never tried to send players cards to have them auto. Im think im going to gicve it a shot but dont really know who wouldnt want to be bothered or who really will sign them.....


  • i sent to corey patterson and got an auto back, that was a while ago though. I was at a cubs game a month or 2 ago and he signed a ball for me there. he's usually really good about signing.
  • Steve Nash signed fairly quickly for me.
  • Steve Nash
    Tracy McGrady
    Jerry West
    Bryant reeves
    Dell Cury

    That was some years ago though, I doubt McGrady still signs.
  • me and my friend got, Tmac, nash, mike miller, and some other ppl though the mail, but lots of ppl at games are cool about signing, at games i've gotten, chandler, curry, jay williams, wagner, gooden, stodamire, quentell woods, Jason and Jaron Collins, andre kirilinko (will sign anything anytime practacly, id send somethin to him if i were you) and i got some other ppl also

  • awesome jay williams pic!

    my friends bro met Dunleavey at Cameron Indoor a few weeks before the draft.

  • wang zhi zhi
    elton brand

    do not send to t-mac he does not sign i sent him three letter and they all came back to me untouched
  • does anyone know hwo i could get the address to tayshaun prince im a big UK fan and i want to get something auto'd by him please pm me
    i am collecting 8x10 autos, auto replica jerseys and other auot memrobilia, i have a few cards left im trying to sell cheap please email me for the list theres only about 8 to 10 left. thanks
    kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8
  • sosa 21: thanks! i got pics with Curry, andre Kirilinko, Nene Halario, and Q Woods, too, that's cool that they saw mike hes a great player

    rm: on beckett.com you can find team address, send to Price by just writin to the team like

    Tayshaun Price
    c/o Detroit Pistons
    Street Address
    Detroit, MI Zip Code

    you can find the details on beckett.com
  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    Yeah beckett has every team...
  • lafrentz06lafrentz06 Posts: 1,620 ✭✭
    Heres a great site -
    Mac Marrons Autos
    Looking for Raef LaFrentz / former KU Players...
    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz
    ^^Bad Trader??^^
    Neils Card World
  • do you think if i sent a replica jersey a letter and something he would sign it and ship it back or should i just get a cheap card and do it that way?
    i am collecting 8x10 autos, auto replica jerseys and other auot memrobilia, i have a few cards left im trying to sell cheap please email me for the list theres only about 8 to 10 left. thanks
    kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8
  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    Did you guys all send sase's?
  • i wouldnt risk loosing anything other than a cheep card

    yeah you gotta send a SASE it makes it easwe for them
  • I know a guy that is getting autos from all the HOF football players that he can. He is getting them all on Mini Helmets too.
    He sends out a letter asking them if they would sign a mini helmet if he sent it with a SASE box.

    I would try doing that if you wanted to send a replica jersey.

  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,750 ✭✭✭✭
    Hi -
    In the early 1980's, I used to write to players, mostly Hall Of Famers for autograph requests. I would say I got almost all I requested including Roger Maris, Willie Mays, Duke Snider, Hank Aaron and many others. These are legitimate autographs and not ghost signers as I have had some of them authenticated. I got most of them rather quickly considering who they were. The players mentioned usually responded within 6 to 8 months. Players like Ron Cey, Richie Hebner and George Foster were much faster, about 4 to 6 weeks. A few players responded even quicker, especially the retired lesser name players.

    Their is a few rules you should know before sending an autograph request.
    1 - ALWAYS include a self addressed stamped envelope. If a player is going to honor your request he should not have to pay for the postage.
    2 - Do not be greedy. Do not enclose a lot of 50 cards to be signed. Two or three would be fine. Also, include extra cards for him to keep. He may keep or even sign and return those extra cards.
    3 - Make it as easy as possible for him to honor that request. Do not include a long winded letter but a brief statement about his career or his team and politely ask him to sign and return your cards.
    4 - The best time to request autographs is the off season and best sent to the players home and not the team. Players have more time during the off season to answer their mail. If you send it to the stadium, sometimes teams have ghost signers for their more popular players so you may not get a real autograph.

    Hope this helps. If I can think of anything else I will let you know.

    Best of luck,

    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • YanksFanYanksFan Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    Warren Spahn, I sent him a baseball to autograph(in a box, with a adress label and stamps so he could send it back) last year, the very next week it was back in my mailbox auto'ed. It was my first through the mail success and it sits in my personal collection.

    I'm gonna start sending out cards to be auto'ed again soon.
  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    Yeah id try to send a jersey in but dont get mad if you dont here anything in like two months sometimes it takes long...
  • Joe Torre, Lou Pinella and Chipper Jones signed for me through the mail
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Jason Arnott (2 cards)
    Patrik Elias (1 card)
    Darius Kasparaitus (2 cards)
    Mike Modano (2 cards)
    John LeClair (I sent him 3 cards. He returned my 3 + 3 others, ALL signed)
    Felix Potvin (sent a Maple Leaf card after he was traded to Islanders, sent back my card unsigned with a signed Islander 3/5 picture)
    Jaromir Jagr (3 cards)
    Looking for ANDY MCDONALD CARDS!!


    REFS: NatAker, Deshields17, Caricon, NASH,Baird34, 4sportcollector, Viking, coachvinny,naturalbrntrader,playr050, Jrccrum, epage64, euphoria18, Bobstar, Remster, CARDJUNKIE3, Oasurfer
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