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UofA...sdfdsh.....whatever and whoever the hell they are...please read...

I found myself pondering of the politically incorrect things you say sometimes and I was wondering if you could give me a good lesson on how it's like to not be normal like the most of us? Please let me know. I'd appreciate it. Thanks. image


  • Hey, how can you leave me out of this! I'm hurt!
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    Your not as hurt as I am...your girl didn't show up like she did tonight! She must have been picked up by someone else AS SOON as she walked across that street corner...imageimage

    Uofasomethingorother....where are you my child?
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    C'mon! Your slower than a woman for Christ's sake! image

  • Slow as a woman?? Cut me some slack, I logged off last night around 10pm.

    In regards to your question... It depends how you define normal. One definition is:

    Normal- free from mental disorder : SANE

    I prefer this one though:

    Normal- conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern

    To apply this definition to a person would mean this person is consistant with his actions and opinions. It's all about consistancy.

    I guess the term "normal" could apply to you Derrick since you are consistant with your opinions flip flopping depending on which side of the bed you wake up on. Maybe it's the voices in your head confusing you. image
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
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