Beware of Ebay seller
His ID is:
Here a link to the auction:
Keep in mind, the Auction ended May 12th and I didn't leave the negative til August 3rd.
His story was that he sent (in a reg. envelope) and got it back empty with the side slit. We chatted over IM and he said he would call the post office to see if it turns up. Ok, now we are into June. Finally on June 28th, he said he doesn't get paid til July 15th and would send out refund then. So, only July 18th, we talked again and he said he would send out the next day. Well, August rolled around and still nothing, so I got tired of getting the run around and left negative feedback. Here is our little conversation today.
Scodirops: Heh, I was all ready to send the check last week. But you decided to post a negative rather than talk to me.
ThePackageII: Got tired of talking... you said you were sending on July 15th
ThePackageII: Then you finally decided to send a month after that
ThePackageII: oh and keep in mind, auction ended May 12th. And you said you get paid July 15th. And then talked to you again on the July 18th and you said you would send out. Now you said you were going to mail refund last week? Now, that is funny
Scodirops: yeah
ThePackageII: oh well. I guess that's what I get for trying to help you out
Now, I know this seller and the only reason I bidded on it was because he said he was having money problems and the card was going super cheap.