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anyone have a david carr auto to trade

please let me know bv and what you are looking for don't know if any out but would really love one in texans uniform really
looking for texans, iverson, ming, and roy oswalt


  • I don't know if you're looking for all Carr stuff, but I have his Atomic silver parallel rookie #d/600 and his Private Stock retail rookie. LMK if interested.
  • at this time mostley want a auto of him when start picking up more of his stuff will look you up and see if you still have
    looking for texans, iverson, ming, and roy oswalt
  • Quasar31 has a Carr '02 Donruss Classic auto #/50 but it will take something good to get it! PM him if interested image
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • well Duncangal said it all image thanks babe
    just lmk if you have intrest its #rd 13/50
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