Changing PCGS Grading Standards: Have they?

Many highly respected dealers and collectors contend that PCGS has become increasingly stingy in handing out MS70 and PR70 grades, and that most coins now in those holders, if resubmitted, would no longer make those grades. This seems to be based on anecdotal evidence--that is, people who make submissions in quantity say they receive fewer MS/PR70 returns than they used to. The natural skeptic in me wants to know whether this putative change in MS/PR70 grading standards is perception or reality.
My question: Since originally publishing them, has PCGS actually revised its written grading standards, the ones that everyone can currently access on this website? I don't have an old copy of the grading standards to refer back to, so I don't know if the written standards have changed. Have any amendments, elaborations, or clarifications been made in writing? And if not, have any of the principals at PCGS personally communicated to individual dealers or collectors that their standards have recently tightened? Does anyone have firsthand knowledge?
"Enquiring minds . . . ." -- well, you know.
My question: Since originally publishing them, has PCGS actually revised its written grading standards, the ones that everyone can currently access on this website? I don't have an old copy of the grading standards to refer back to, so I don't know if the written standards have changed. Have any amendments, elaborations, or clarifications been made in writing? And if not, have any of the principals at PCGS personally communicated to individual dealers or collectors that their standards have recently tightened? Does anyone have firsthand knowledge?
"Enquiring minds . . . ." -- well, you know.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Where do I access the PCGS written grading standards?
Click on "Submission Center" then click on "PCGS Grading Standard". As you will see, the problem with the published standard for MS/PR70 is its brevity: "As struck, with full strike". That leaves them a lot of maneuvering room, doesn't it?
Pontiacinf: Care to elaborate? Nothing came up in the database under 3047927.