hahahahaha, waste of money IMO....would be nice if there was a riot, the Portland Police would end up killing 4 or 5 people though, knowing them, hey, maybe we'd get lucky and one of 'em would be Eminem or Ludacris.....
lol from what it looks like, it did NOT! Man, I'd ask for a refund (hell, I would just because of who he was seeing). Man, Colton, if you have such a problem with me, you can come up here to Portland and fix it, alright?
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
anger obviously did not get managed did it?
Kingdom of Loathing Rocks!
loved the intro to eminem.. the movie i mean. it was awesome
colton, you need to grow up! eminem doesn't even know you exist firs of all... second of all, you dont look all that tough cussing..
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe