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Ricky Williams 18 different cards...all rookies.

taking offers cash or trade bkb, fb, bb LMK what you have. thanks

topps finest #158 with coating
skybox premium #212 (5)
skybox dominion #208
topps #329
topps season opener #149
fleer tradition #297 (2)
topps stars #11
press pass #bn 2/9
press pass #hw2/12
score #222
bowmans #182 (2)
ud mvp #201 (2)
ud hologrfx #65
ud retro (2)
collectors edge fury #196
pacific paramount #154
aurora #94
pacific (omega) #153
Looking for Roethlisberger (higher end)

ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
donniebaseball23, bradley25,
duncangal, battier, josher416
speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5


  • I have a bunch of his crap too, so Let us both know image Sorry pug, had to do it.
  • Hey Capt'n America if you don't have anything constructive to say keep it off my posts. Thanks
    Looking for Roethlisberger (higher end)

    ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
    ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
    donniebaseball23, bradley25,
    duncangal, battier, josher416
    speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5
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