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Thought I Won But Didn't

Well I participated in the Superior auction today or at least I thought I did. However, I paused to think for a split second on a proof seated half and it was closed before I could hit the bid button.

Then I was certain that I clearly nailed a winning bid on one Morgan and thought I might have also gotten a second one only to find that not only was I not the high bidder on either of them, but that my bids were not even recorded in the bidding history! The problem must be that the auctioneer has discretion on which bid to take at a the given level or the computer grabs the first one in, so for example, if I bid $500 and someone else bid $500 at the same time and his was a split second faster, his bid gets recorded and not mine. But all I could see at the bid level was an internet bid, which I thought was mine. I need to ask the auction house what would happen if I bid again at the next level while I was already the high bidder. If it would ignore my bid against my self that would be the safest and maybe the only way to be sure that I am the bidder whose internet bid is shown on the screen. Does anyone know if it works that way? I would not want to over bid against myself.


  • I haven't bid on any of there auctions, so I can't answer your questions, but I am sorry to here of your dissapointment in now winning the coins. It happens to me on Ebay quite a bit, but at least you can tell right away whether you won or not!

    Good Luck in the futureimage

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