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Inspirations Rookies, GU, and Autos Must go..........

these need to go, will sell cheap (you make the offer, image ) or i will trade for dvds, LMK here or pm me.

#16 Jiri Welsh trade card
#18 Curtis Borchardt trade card
#26 John Salmons trade card
#28 Dan Dickau trade card
#37 David Andersen trade card
#39 Rod Grizzard trade card

Damone Brown/Frazier RC #/2249
Zach Randolph/Walton RC #/2249
Vladimir Radmanovic/ Alonzo Mournning Single Jsy Rc #/1500
Michael Bradley/Peja Stojakovic Dual Jsy Rc #/1100
Hardwood Imagery Garnett/Webber Floor
Hardwood Imagery Pippen/Wallace Floor
Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje/Corey Maggette Dual Auto RC #/1149

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