~The Baseball Strike~

For the past few weeks all I hear is strike strike strike. They don’t ever say WHY there’s going to be a strike. I’m guessing because of money, seeing that’s why strikes always happen.
Now I won’t lie, I don’t know the intricacies of being a millionaire, and I’m sure it’s tough, but give me a fu^king break here. You pay me $250 million over ten years for doing anything and it will be worth it. It’s not like a baseball game is 162 games of batters going up to the plate, then the pitcher taking a spiked 18-inch dildo and ramming it up their a$$ for three hours. It’s some dudes playing a game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure it’s hard to hit a 90 mph ball seeing it’s hard for most of us to consistently hit a wiffle ball. Is watching some guy hit a ball worth that much to me? No. Obviously, it’s worth that much to some morons, but I guess it’s not enough. I don’t know what kind of fu^king labor problems you can have when you’re getting paid 6 million dollars a year. A labor problem is when you work 65 hours a week and get dicked out of your overtime pay because your boss is a fu^king a$$hole, NOT getting paid like $80,000 a game to sit and scratch your balls for three hours, then go out and party and get blowjobs from strippers. Play the game and get over it!
Now I won’t lie, I don’t know the intricacies of being a millionaire, and I’m sure it’s tough, but give me a fu^king break here. You pay me $250 million over ten years for doing anything and it will be worth it. It’s not like a baseball game is 162 games of batters going up to the plate, then the pitcher taking a spiked 18-inch dildo and ramming it up their a$$ for three hours. It’s some dudes playing a game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure it’s hard to hit a 90 mph ball seeing it’s hard for most of us to consistently hit a wiffle ball. Is watching some guy hit a ball worth that much to me? No. Obviously, it’s worth that much to some morons, but I guess it’s not enough. I don’t know what kind of fu^king labor problems you can have when you’re getting paid 6 million dollars a year. A labor problem is when you work 65 hours a week and get dicked out of your overtime pay because your boss is a fu^king a$$hole, NOT getting paid like $80,000 a game to sit and scratch your balls for three hours, then go out and party and get blowjobs from strippers. Play the game and get over it!
<< <i>It's not the players dude, it's the owners. The players have said they only want minimal changes to the CBA that already exists/existed. It's the owners wanting more control and wanting a whole new deal. >>
Ah, that's not my point here. Of course it’s not all the players b^tching and moaning. It’s the owners, too. I mean, they want these guys to take drug tests. SOME NERVE!
Baseball is supposed to the sport of our childhood. If I had a little boy to raise, I wouldn’t want him to think baseball players were pu$$ies and the only way they could get that was on muscle enhancing drugs. Actually, I wouldn’t care if that’s what he thought, but not if he was in little league. Soon fathers are going to go see their sons pitch in their first little league game and after two outs their son will go up to the manager and ask to be taken out of the game because so and so from the Yankees only has to pitch for one inning so why the fu^k should he have to pitch for any more.
Here’s the bottom line Major League Baseball. You’re all acting like a big bunch of pussies. Wipe it off and get back in the fu^king game. There’s millions of kids around the world who think Tiger Woods is cooler than you crybabies because you’re acting like 6 year olds. Kids don’t understand million dollar contracts, but they do understand being let down, as we are in the 21st century and most kids come from broken homes these days, so they know the feeling of heartbreak a deadbeat can give them and that’s what all you whiny fuc^ers are. Fu^king deadbeat athletes. Letting America down and letting the kids down. Good job, pu$$ies.
<< <i>all i know is that the baseball strike= kobe auto in my collection, if you know what i mean
And then you woke up from your dream. I didn't say anything about the strike being involved in the deal. Check the history bro...
<< <i>
<< <i>all i know is that the baseball strike= kobe auto in my collection, if you know what i mean
And then you woke up from your dream. I didn't say anything about the strike being involved in the deal. Check the history bro...
4th post down suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Who in their right mind would say that anyway? I mean...seriously...think about it.
"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"
"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"
for collusion & it cost them millons of dollars in payment to the players union,the players union has had them by the gonads.
Fehr & the players union are now in fact the strongest players union in sports & they are not about to give in to the owners one iota unless it is in their best interest.The owners want to break the union & are willing to do what it takes to do so,but the big problem with the owners nowadays is there is dissention between some of the richer teams & the smaller franchises.All is not well in the owners camp.
Bud & his gang have a hard road to go because some of the teams are hurting so bad now & a strike will only ruin more teams if it goes on too long.What it all comes down to is;yes the owners screwed the players years ago & the union is not about to let them do it again.For the most part,the players are overpaid but only because some owners are willing to pay the salarys.
As far as them whining,I kind of agree that they should play on & work out the problems at the table without a work stoppage.40 HOFers wrote a letter to Bud asking him to appoint an independent
counsel to help avoid a strike because they know how much Fehr & Selig hate each other.
It doesn't look like the "power" is going to change sides anytime soon & if the owners think they can pull it off by locking out the players it will only mean the ruination of the game as we know it today.
I do have a 12 year old son, CJ, & we go out to the "A" ball games here where we live.I tell CJ,this is what baseball is really all about;the love of the game.CJ understands that the major leagues is different now than it was when I was a kid but it still doesn't lessen the hurt we both feel when we see the possible strike looming over Americas' greatest game!
! ! PLAY BALL! !
Dad & Son
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