New Photo Service from Stack Bowers

This is cool -High Rez Videos. Have not investigated pricing yet , but this is service that I would consider. Does any other entity in the industry offer Coins In Motion Videos for your collection?
It's been around for a while. They bought the company in 2020.
I don't know what they've been doing for four years, but here's a video,
(their channel has 17 subscribers and just the one video).
The Internet Archive shows the website from 2013 but just a parking page. They didn't do anything with it until 2021,
There are patents issued in 2022, e.g.
also GB. The European patent is still pending.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
@BStrauss3 I know HA and SB have been using CIM in the auctions for years, but I was not aware that there was a service to get videos of one's personal collection, trophy coins, etc. In any case, the videos look like they are well done. If this topic was discussed before my bad!
I don't know about regular coins but this could be a game changer for proof coins. It is nearly impossible to judge the mirrors on a proof coin from a static picture. James
That looks really nice and about the closest representation to holding the coin in hand that I've seen. Is this service offered for coins already holdered?
Your hobby is supposed to be your therapy, not the reason you need it.
I’d like SB and HA to just include a simple iPhone video of their coins. It would make a huge difference.
Stacks Bowers

From SB FAQs:
What types of coins can I submit for Coins in Motion?
We currently accept certified coins for Coins in Motion (NGC, PCGS, CACG). Please make sure that your coins meet our submission guidelines. If you are unsure whether your coins are eligible, please contact our Client Services Department at (949) 503-6242 or