1999 P Jefferson Nickel Errors

New here and to the coin collecting business. I'm hoping that someone could tell me if the above subject and photo
is rare, common, or worth anything. I've search the internet, but couldn't find anything.
I'm sure this is all we need to know.
Howdy and welcome.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt. However, what do you think are errors on the coin? Without giving us that information you are essentially asking folks to guess at what you are thinking.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
By all means I'm not here to insult anyone ( manifest) wouldn't waste your time nor my time. Tom, I'm sorry for not being to informative. And I know no one here is or will ever be mind readers. The errors I'm thinking on the coin is the date, and the flatness of the lettering. ( WE, TY-liberty, ) The back of the coin, the words five cents) also it has come to my attention that the stairs or steps are still somewhat visible. But like I mentioned earlier. How rare is the. I don't intend to sell it or trade. Due to the visibility of the date ( 666 ). Not trying to make this into a rocket science project.
And what destiny have you manifested lately??? I'll wait....
now that we know what you are asking about,
first, the photos appear to have been uploaded zoomed way out, but the width limiting forum software shrunk them down again. hi res pics are fine without the zooming way out. the last one was zoomed back down by the forum software. it is the best looking and really the only usable photo
the mostly missing 1 from the date is from a filled die. junk got stuck inside the 1 on the die and the metal couldn't move up to form the 1. it is considered an error
potentially, to a much lesser extent, that's what's with "In God We Trust." potentially. you may be shooting with the most high res thing you have but the photo processing and res of the uploaded photos keep me in the 90% sure for partially filled die.
the reverse photos are just too bad to tell what's up with "Five Cents" i'm leaning towards damage but am so not sure
of course you know all the scrapes across jefferson are damage. the amount of stuff filled is not enough to interest a serious error collector. i'm not going to say no one on ebay will buy it, but if bought a serious error collector it won't be... especially since it is minor and damaged... almost looks like it's been driven over in a parking lot? we nicknamed heavily beaten and scraped coins "parking lot find" (no matter where it's found)
to a dedicated collector: value 5 cents ... sorry
you may hear parking lot find in posts following mine. it's not you, it's the coin.
now we have a troll problem here. we get a lot of parking lot finds from people asking if it is something impossible to produce... just to troll us. i don't think that is you.
some here are more on guard than others. the "joker" part alone gets their attention
anyway, if we have answered your question, come back around
as on this authoritative site: also called struck through "grease"
https://www.error-ref.com/error_and_variety_check_list/ (it can be kind of technical at times)
I don’t see anything on your coin that can’t be attributed to damage or a slightly grease filled die.