The coins of (Statue of) Liberty Island

This is a really late post, because I went here last summer vacation. I went thinking I'd get a Statue of Liberty Silver Dollar there with a modest markup. Holy cow, were the coins in the gift shop marked up! Anyway after the sticker shock, I realized the commems were minted to fundraise for the statue, and it looks like a select few are doing double duty for the same purpose.
The other pleasant suprise I had on the island was the coins that were left there. At the ferry dock, there were coins dropped into the sides of the piers. A mix of U.S. and foreign coinage. It was sort of an organic tribute to the history of immigration and the island.

The last picture is for all of the copper lovers on this board...
Didn't know about that coin-lined walkway or that the copper in the statue came from Norway. Thank you, Norway. And thanks to @87redcivic for the post.
Nice photos, wow they really marked up those Mint coins for the tourists.