2019_2020 W Quarter Market (eBay) update

It's been 5 to 6 years since 1st release of the West Point W minted quarter distribution, and the market for them is still healthy!
I have sold 12 quarters on eBay in March, all quarters were in circulated condition that I retrieved from roll searching. All were done in auction format starting at ~$1.98. 5 were 2019 and 7 2020. The highest sale was $18.50 for a 2019 River of No Return and the lowest was $11.00. The average sale price is $15.22. My margin after e-Bay charges and shipping is 74.19% which is not bad considering...
Yes time is money and I don't include the time roll searching as coin collecting is my hobby and I also keep, silver, S-mints and State and ATB quarters... All proceeds go directly into coin purchases...
Here are my numbers:
You might consider selling as a set, of you have all 5 of the series.
I have a complete 10 coins set that I'll probably list later. Thanks