Indicators a Washington Quarter is a AU "Slider"

Hi Everyone! Looking for alittle bit of insight on how to decipher between a Unc Washington Quarter and a Slider when you can only work with photos from someone online. I know that its always best to have the actual coin in hand to view with your own eyes. but when you don't have it in hand are their key spots to look out for that indicate wear and use that makes the quarter AU Vs Unc?
Here is an Example coin I have that I am trying to determine if this is AU58 or MS.
The examples shown... I would consider sliders. The darker areas on Washington's cheek, while technically could be just toning, can very likely be hiding slight abrasions. The second example likewise; and the second example does look like abrasions on the eagle breast.
Easy, a change of color on the high points. Unfortunately, coins with rub as the one shown are often graded MS-62 and any toning can hide the rub. I think your coin (with the dark color change) would still pass as Unc.
I would probably dip it, the toning is not desirable and ugly. Its just tough to tell if its AU. The reverse looks Unc.
IMHO I believe that many AU58 and AU 58+ are better looking than some Unc's and in these cases the eye appeal is worth more than a low grade unc's
Do you have a loupe and know how to use it? When I only have auction pictures I look at how clean the rims are. Your coin has many nicks and scratches on the rims. The eagle breast feathers look duller than the surrounding. Older coins that have re-toned make determination more difficult. I have always heard 'do not dip a coin unless uncirculated'. From pics, I would put your coin in AU55-58 range. If 55, you should see on close observation quite a few nicks in fields. The linked video shows grading Washington quarters.
From my interpretation of the images it looks like a nice original AU. Like a coin that was lost in a drawer or a purse or something else forever and is now being liquidated.
If your intent is to dip it then be prepared to own a blistering, no skin AU. The market may prefer that, but I don’t.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Looks AU to me I don’t like the way the light reflects off the top of the wings but not the tips. Plus the dip will not remove 100% of the splotches unless you kill it. But if it’s cheap enough why not.
I think the dark rubs on the cheek and hairline would make it an AU, but then AU58 is my favorite grade so I think it’s good to have a little bit of rub. Heres some of my Washington sliders that are in my circulated type sets for comparison.
