Seeking info on this Bill

Have a new collection from my father adn starting to look into some of it. Have this dollar which i know is worth more than a $1 and curious where to get that info on. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Perry
Have a new collection from my father adn starting to look into some of it. Have this dollar which i know is worth more than a $1 and curious where to get that info on. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Perry
Yes, it's an error note called an "offset error". Your example is a 1977 $1 FRN, NY District, partial back offset on the face and appears to be slightly circulated.
A Google search on "U.S. Error Currency" will give you plenty of information. Add "Offset" in front of currency for more specific info on this type of error.
Heritage archives or Ebay completed auctions are probably the best sources of current prices. Errors are getting more popular and prices have risen. If I had to guess, this may be a $100+ note these days, $50-$100 is probably on the conservative side.
Thank you so much for the info. What i am trying to do is get my new collection valued so i can get it insured if that is possible. Have a lot of Morgan dollars, misc coins, and some Red and Gold seal back notes along with uncirculated sets from 1965 to 2008. Any help is appreciated. Thanks again.
Decided to post both sides. Thanks
There are a number of threads on insurance on the forum which will provide good recomendations. A lot of the folks here use Hugh Wood. I use Collectible Insurance Services. If you want to insure a collection, you likely need to go to one of these specialty companies, your homeowners policy is not a good option. Good luck!
Humanssuck...Thanks for the info. I will go in that direction
Ditto...Hugh Wood...must be ANA member...don't need to have collection appraised.
Super looking note.
$250 Is a guess based on condition
Thanks for the input.