Help with recent Canadian circulating releases?

Been away from the Forum and collecting in general this past year or so, while dealing with Mom's & M-I-L's health issues, and have once again fallen behind in maintaining our circulating Canadian coins collections. Hard to find people with access to all, or can reasonably ship to or within the U.S. And no coin shows nearby or within a drivable distance, given my eye issues.
We've worked so long & hard to keep them up, I'd hate to just quit cold turkey, as I'd like to maintain the sets every year to pass on to the eventual grandkids. Lucky for me, I don't seem to have also missed any circulating commems for nickels thru halves - - just a few Loonies & Twonies.
Anyone have suggestions for good/reasonable sources for the following circulating CDN coins & quantities? They don't need to be perfect - - just decent from rolls or recent bank change.
Thanks in advance!
**Nickels/Dimes/Quarters/Halves: 3 each from 2023, 2024, & 2025
Loonies: 3 each: 2023/2024/2025 Circulating regular issues PLUS..........
3 each: regular & colorized of 2023 "Elsie MacGill" & 2024 "L.M. Montgomery"
Twonies: 3 each: 2023/2024/2025 Circulating regular issues PLUS..........
3 each: regular & colorized of 2023: "Indigenous People" & "J.P. Riopelle" PLUS.......
3 each: regular & colorized of 2024: "RAF" & "Inuit Nunangat".**