Home Metal Detecting

Shipping a detector

jfoot13jfoot13 Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭

I wanted to ship a Garrett GTI 1500 to the factory in TX for a repair so I took it to the UPS store and they quoted me $45 to package it and $170.00 to ship it ????? It's going from Pittsburgh PA to Garland TX How do you guys ship these things?

If you can't swim you better stay in the boat.......


  • RiveraFamilyCollectRiveraFamilyCollect Posts: 691 ✭✭✭✭

    Check the USPS, I shipped a metal detector to ukraine in like 2006 for $20 after UPS quoted me $170.

    The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.

  • Bayard1908Bayard1908 Posts: 4,076 ✭✭✭✭

    I assume that you were going to ship it fully assembled. Take it apart and put it in a smaller box. You should be able to ship for less than $30.

  • jfoot13jfoot13 Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭

    thanks I'll give it a try ;0

    If you can't swim you better stay in the boat.......
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