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Well this is a New Glitch from FeeBay1 Anybody having this problem?

Good Day,

I've gotten so used to E-Bay just taking my money when I win an Auction that I don't even think about it anymore, until today. I won 4 different auctions over the last few days and today I get two e-mails politely telling me to pay if I want my stuff shipped. So I go in and try and pay and every time I click on Pay It Now it goes to a screen that says "This Item is No longer available here are some similar things" (No Shiet Sherlock, I won them) so three different Sellers, tried a dozen times, same every time.

I really don't want to have to call FeeBay, anybody else having Glitches today?





  • RufussCkingstonRufussCkingston Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Maybe you did pay (auto-pay) but something is messed up on the seller's end. Go under Purchases on your account and see if the items are there.

  • thedutymon11thedutymon11 Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭


    I tried a few times this afternoon and finally at 4 it let me pay my 3 wins!




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