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Edited: PSA Customer Service...Who do I contact? Help with an oddball Cal Ripken disc/panel

Canes8387899101Canes8387899101 Posts: 299 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 26, 2025 4:38PM in Trading Cards & Memorabilia Forum

Edit: I know I haven't completely stumped this board with all the knowledge that is on here, but I really would like to know if I need to open this disc up. I have never called PSA customer service before. Is there a certain department to talk to about an item like this? I really would like to know if I need to open it to a panel, which would be my 2nd option, or split the panel completely (3rd option). I would prefer to leave it as it is with Ripken on the front, and Bedrosian on the back, but PSA doesn't seem to grade it this way.

I was looking at the pop reports on this 1989 Cal Ripken Tetley Tea disc/panel. There are only 4 graded. Two are graded with the Ripken separated from the perforated panel. The other two are with the panel opened up. What I have is neither, since I haven't pulled the panel open, or separated the Ripken from Steve Bedrosian. Maybe this is a PSA question, but would they grade this without opening the panel? From viewing Cal Ripken player sets most Ripken master set collectors do not have this item, and I figured this would be a good one to get graded. Thoughts?

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