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Grading Kennedy Halves

Alright, New Coin Grade Topic! I started a discussion about Understanding How Washington Quarters were graded, Now I am trying to understand Kennedies! To be honest, I never really cared for them since they are very common in all dates, but I just stumbled upon a 40% 1969 Kennedy I have had in an album for atleast 12 years. It is probably the best of only a handful of examples I have in my collection. From what I have learned from the washington, the eagle breast, cheek, hair... are key places so look at to determine a grade. What does a grader look at on a kennedy? Below is the example that I have. Clear fields but scratches on the bust, I noticed this to be a common occurance on MS66 graded halves for 1969. What are points to look for in grading kennedies to determine grade?



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