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2 Unique Images with one of my PCGS's One a Trueview and one showing the slabs?

retirednowretirednow Posts: 574 ✭✭✭✭✭

I stumbled on an alternate image from PCGS that was in addition to their posted TrueView Image. I had clicked on "show all images" on the Cert verification page for this piece and presto - another different image emerge showing the full slabs.
I wonder if this is common now or was this a one off?

This is the "Trueview" I was use to having shown.

This is an alternate image that was grouped with the TV's.

While I do not like the upside down reverse image ...the fact is this photo is more like the coin in hand look than the "Trueview"

I had gone back and check on a couple of other "BASS" piece from the same Heritage auction and it appeared PCGS offered the same slab photos for those pieces as well.

Is this becoming a standard practice or just a unique circumstance for special collections? The only other similar slab image I had prior from PCGS was a piece that was photograph ( as I understood it) outside of the US at one of their other facilities.

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