Is there any way to search within your DM history?

Is there any way to search for a key word within your DM history?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
I don't know of one. Even worse, I don't know of a way to file the private messages by user...they all just appear for me in chronological order.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I command F and then use the buttons at the bottom and top to switch pages. You can go through a couple months of history pretty fast that way.
Coin Photographer.
if you know who was the recipient you can try pull up the list of messages with that recipient
click on he inbox icon beside the Notifications globe icon
at the bottom of the overlay select "All Messages"
scroll around for the recipient... instead of clicking on the recipient's handle, select the text of the PM
it doesn't always work, but the list of past PMs might display. at the top of the list there is a "older messages" link
otherwise "no"