GameStop For PSA Submit Services

I was looking for my nearest PSA authorized dealer to see about sending in some cards. I live in Central California but I'm only just an hour from San Jose Ca. which is Northern Ca. I thought there would be plenty of choices but they all appear to be in Southern Ca. I did see that they are saying you can drop off at many GameStop locations.
Has anyone dropped off their cards at a GameStop, and if they did how did it go. I would much rather drop my cards at a sports cards PSA authorized dealer knowing they know how handle cards.
Any reason why you don't ship them to PSA yourself? I wouldn't want some twerp nerd handling my goods at a GameStop!
I have no plan to use GameStop unless I got very good reviews.
I was thinking that a good baseball card shop would be good at looking at my cards and giving me an idea of possible grades .
It has been a long time since I sent any cards in to be graded and I just wanted it to go smoothly.
You might check for PSA drop off events. They frequently occur in the Bay Area. See
Thank you.
With all the scammers and games people play, I cant imagine trusting complete strangers to submit my cards and then give them back to me.
Is there anything that prevents these people from saying here are your cards, this one was a PSA 9, which they replaced with your card that was graded a PSA 10? Is there transparency in the sense that people who submit through a dealer get to see their own personal submission and track it? Even then I can imagine some switcheroo games being played.
I thought I heard that Game Stop temporarily stopped taking PSA submissions after they lost a huge submission a couple months ago?
Gamestop would be the best alternative if not submitting yourself. Gamestop is a legitimate business stock exchange company compared to a card shop submitter so no worries
Best to stay away from Sports Card Stores after that debacle about Southern California Dealer taking a large amount of cards @ discounted rate owing PSA fees and cards were mixed up as well.
Cards were eventually returned but still a long delay.
Does Gamestop offer discounted rates or faster turnaround times etc by using them?
This would be a good reason to use one of the PSA dropoff events because you give your items directly to a PSA rep as opposed to a third party.
I was browsing PSA and I saw that GameStop was on the list to send in your cards.
Can anybody provide a link to the card pricing for gamestop,could not find any information on website. Our the prices charged the same if submitted yourself?
Thanks for any replies.
Based on my recent trip to Gamestop to buy a new docking port for my kids' Switch, I would not feel comfortable leaving cards with them. The store was not well organized and pretty inefficient at getting me checked out. Maybe just the store I went to, but definitely would not think of leaving any of my stuff with then.
Wonder how many of the submitters cards are “Grade Slab Worthy”,knowing the nuances of grading,centering surface etc, instead of hoping to get those illusive PSA 10 . Good move by Gamestop to offer this to their customer base since they sell cards as well.
The President of PSA Cards Nat Turner is involved with GameStop.
The ol' cast a net and see how many rubes we can bring in. Don't be a rube send in your cards yourself
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
FWIW Nat Turner (who owns PSA) sits on GameStop's Board of Directors
Maybe a look to bump up some business at GameStop. A win win if it does work out.
They closed the the local GameStop in my area not to long ago.
Wow, you're right. I wonder how long he's been on the board?
I think it was last November
I saw a GameStop scented candle advertised on instagram. That was funny.
There's a drop off event at Lefty's card shop in Burlingame on March 1st. It's another 45 min north of San Jose though
I agree.
I miss that they haven't been at the Wilmington MA show for a while, was so much easier.
I dropped off cards with PSA at the Long Beach expo last year and they damaged 4 of my cards. They refunded me plus they gave me fair compensation. When I handed the PSA dude my cards he put a rubber band around them with the paperwork and softly underhanded them into a huge box behind him.
I have had my best results giving my cards to an authorized dealer who lives close to me. Since I only submit vintage cards I don't have to worry about my cards being replaced plus I don't have to pay shipping either way since the guy drops the cards off at PSA. When he gets them back from PSA I pick them up at his house. He's a good dude and has always been honest with me. He submits thousands of cards every week plus my grades are much better when he submits them than when I was submitting them.
As an example I submitted 50 1975 Topps commons that were all possible PSA 9's. Four sharp corners, good centering, no fish eyes which are common on 75's and no printing defects. I received two 9's, thirty-six 8's, eight
PSA 7's, and four PSA 6's. They were my top 50 examples. I still had 25 more so I gave them to the PSA authorized dealer and I got back 19 PSA 9's and 6 PSA 8's. Once again the 25 I gave him did not make my top 50 cut.
My results with the authorized dealer who submits thousands of cards every week BLEW AWAY the grades I received on better cards.
Well, that doesn't instill confidence in PSA, does it. You would think that "the PSA dude" would know how to handle cards that could be worth thousands of dollars.
I have to say, every thread about PSA on this forum leaves me less inclined to have my cards graded. My very first post here a few months ago was titled "New to grading." Well, I haven't submitted anything since then, in part because we have been involved in moving. Instead, I have been in learning mode. And like I said, the more I learn the less inclined I am to submit anything. I realize I'm taking this thread in a different direction, so I'll leave it at that for now. Maybe I'll start another thread at some point to talk about this.