Toned 1962 Proof Set under construction.

A raw toned dime and a raw toned quarter are being submitted for grading (they both have two sided orange color). When graded True View photos of those two coins will be posted.
For the nickel and cent here they are.
For the half dollar which of these would you choose to be in the toned proof set?
I would go with Cert No. 48469867
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
I like the 868. Just enough color to blend in and not be overwhelming.
868 to me
I always enjoy looking at coins from my birth year, 1962. I myself am not much or at all into toned coins, so in this group 864 or 865. Enjoy building the collection.
Not knowing what type of toning you have on the dime and quarter I would opt for the Frankie cert # 48469868.
All are nice coins and options but that coin to my eye blends nicely with the nickle and cent you have posted.
If the other coins are orange toned, then 543 appears to be a good similarity.