Romo vs Brady announcing skills
There was a past thread about this topic. I was kinda surprised at the negatives about Romo's commentary during games. Gotta say, I think at this point, Romo is a lot better than Brady. Romo is smoother and is able to analyze plays more effectively in order for the listener to grasp his comments and his occasional self-deprecation and free spirit is enjoyable.
I really thought Romo's analysis of the placement of the football, late in the 4th, where the Bills desperately needing the 1st down and not getting it was excellent. His analyzsis drawing two lines showing how one official was clearly closer, if not on the line to gain, vs the other official far enough inside the line to cause the turnover...I think that play alone was ballgame.
No question who the better qb was, but Brady seems to be pressing to comment effectively for the plays he did talk about. Is it me, or did he sound "unrelaxed" if that's a word. He wasn't as smooth as Romo and appeared to try to inject cool football-like ditties to enhance his commentary. I think he needs to have some kinda coaching to improve his abilities and become a much more effective analyst. Clearly waaaaaaaaaay overpaid and underperforming IMO.
I'm not a huge fan of Romo really, sometimes he over plays emotions on critical calls or plays, Brady is more reserved but if we are talking about who does an overall better job I'd say Romo but I think Brady is ok for his first year but definitely overpaid
I can listen to a broadcast and enjoy just about any commentator. There are very very few I really dont like. I like both Romo and Tommy.
to add, my all time favorites were Summerall and Madden. When I think back to my youth, those two were the voices of the fall and Football.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I prefer Collinsworth over both. He's like the dude at the bar who hollers everything he says because it's always so loud. He gets excited about blocking and tackling and stuff.
Bundalay, sahvay.
romo is awful
I can't stand Romo, Brady, Collinsworth, or Aikman. Aikman is almost out of the can't-stand category because i respect him for calling out terrible officiating. he doesn't sugarcoat and that i deeply respect.
but every one of those guys compromises the viewing experience for me
the guy i could listen to all day is Greg Olsen. he and Burkhardt were the perfect combo. but of course Brady comes along and now he's an afterthought with Joe Davis. if you didn't know who Tom Brady was, didn't know what he accomplished on the football field and speculated what type of player he was based strictly on what you hear on telecasts, dare I say very few people would come up with 7X SB winner. it is largely a game full of choppy, sometimes even cringeworthy generalities that i already knew.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
"Color" commentators have to cram in all their thoughts in a small window of time. Which is dictated by the speed of play. Then have to hand it off to the play by play announcer. Alot of comments in so little time before the next play. So much to say in so little time.
Brady , at times, seems to talk fast as to try to get as much analysis in within his allotted time.
Romo seems to be getting worse as time goes on. I dont really like Brady either. Hes to much of a robot that is hyper aware of his public persona like Arod is. They give some hints that they arent really these robots in private but that doesnt help us on the broadcasts.
Olsen was my favorite for the recent NFL, really not sure why he was the one demoted when he actually had personality and energy. The Mcafee ones would be my second or current favorite but are unwatchable. Let me listen to them and watch the game, I dont need have the screen being a couple guys standing on the sidelines with a mic.
Ill take the Bissonnette, Barkley, Ortiz, Olsen types 100 times out of 100 over than the overly polished guys
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I don't know when the "sideline reporter" began, but shoving a mic in the face of a coach when his team is getting clocked is just stupid. Especially moreso when a coach wins a big game, or a player who made a great game-winning play, asking something dumb like "how does it feel to win this game? I think the ladies are there for window dressing, IMO they add nada to the enjoyment of the game, and I hit the mute as soon as they appear...I'd rather watch a My Pillow ad. This was a bit off topic, but thought I'd toss it into the mix.
Summerall and Madden were and forever will be the GOATS of the booth.
We talked about this during the NFC game. Romo is the only announcer I have ever listened to who actually has called THE EXACT play a team will run on enough occasions for it to be more than a coincidence. Maybe his style is lacking or off-putting for some people, but Tony Romo has demonstrated a sharp insight while announcing games.
Romo definitely has regressed. Not surprising since he was off the charts his first couple years. Along with his content, his voice has also changed. He frequently sounds raspy and his voice just isn't sharp like it used to be. Lots of people have also said he's seemed drunk on occasion.
Brady is very solid. Not amazing but far from terrible. His voice is good and he's clearly gotten more comfortable as the year has progressed.
But, yes, Greg Olsen is better than both.
All three are way, way ahead of Collinsworth and Herbstreit though.
I don't like that jerk Iron Eagle for what he did to Custer at the little bighorn
Nobody can question his knowledge of the game, that isn't debatable
His loud emotional sounding outbursts are annoying, we joke about it all the time "I don't know Jim" after a play looked at first like there was a fumble on a game sealing drive then his partner says the players knee was down because the replay clearly shows the players knee down before the ball squirting out but Romo over hypes it to throw false excitement out there.
He is just over the top annoying now but he knows the game for sure
@perkdog, do you think it's part of the NFL formula to have announcers play off each other like that?? These guys as a team are "married" to each other for almost 7 months.
--- BTW, did you notice the Kelce stat line?? Not sure about targets but it was 2 catches for 19 yards. I think that means in the two games vs. KC this season he was held to 4 catches for 28 yards.
I think these guys personalities are allowed to be genuine, the playing off each other is one thing but Romo goes off on these exitable safari's all by himself even without help from his partner lol
Buffalo did a great job shutting Kelce down, which in a weird way must at least give Buffalo fans some sort of comfort knowing that he didn't beat them.
Mahomes is a great runner and beat the Bills without the help from Kelce
You must mean this guy.
I lost respect for Lou when he had a baby with dennis quaid
Brady talks far too much. Romo is better at calling what the next play might be.
Olson is being more entertaining just talking about how hes frustrated being demoted. Hopefully he keeps the pressure on. Brady and Romo got to much money to get rid of them but just put Olsen on with them.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007