Should I send this to topps?

I’ve got a 1994 topps stadium club super team Montreal expos card obviously there was no series that year but expos of course had best record at the strike so do u think if I sent this to topps (31 years later)lol that they would give me a a redemption of some kind ? Was thinking about doing this
I recently found an old classified ad newspaper from the 1990s. I thought about randomly choosing some phone numbers and calling them and asking them if they still had certain things for sale!
I didn't make that up. I seriously thought about doing it!
31 years late and sick of hearing how good the 94 Expos were. If the season had played out they might not have done so well!
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
I collect interesting unredeemed exchange cards from when they were more than just a cardboard insert with a printed sticker on them. Some of them were really nice looking cards on their own. fleer for example had an actual card of the player that looked like the signed version. Those are almost as collectible as the signed versions and maybe, due to high redemption rates, maybe some will be even more collectible. I saw a Hoops redemption for the Bird/Johnson auto from the 90s sell for more than the signed version typically sells for!
I have seen at least a couple instances where someone claimed to send in a long expired card and actually get something back.
Personally, I hope that this doesn't happen to any of the good redemption cards, as they would then be lost forever.