Set Bonuses - Washington Quarter Set

Is there a way to see what the set bonuses are? For example, for Washington Quarters American Women, Circulation Strikes, it appears that if a coin is designated "From the UNC set" there is a bonus. I would like to see where that's documented. I'd also like to know why someone felt it deserves a bonus. Here's how I know there is one, from my Great Collections weekly shopping link:
Those who don't know what's being shown. The first line shows the coin in my registry set. The second line shows a coin that's available at an upcoming auction that rates higher than the one I have. In what world would I want an MS66 if I already have an MS67 just because we know it came from an Unc Set?
The extra bonus is because the coins are top pops in their variety category (different PCGS number that still fits in the slot). Your 2022D Maya 67 is not a top pop which would be shaded light gold in your set if it was. There are 7 coins graded MS68.
The 2022P Sally Ride in MS66 is a top pop, but it gets an extra bonus for being the ONLY top pop of 1. That gives a dark shaded gold worth +2 rating vs light shaded gold vs +1 rating.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
OK, your explanation makes sense but unfortunately there are cases like this where I'm not sure from a design perspective that it achieves the desired goal or rewarding the best coins.
It does not matter if the design is good or bad. It is related to the PCGS population. The + graded points are worth an extra 0.5 to the score. Some of your yellow lines where you share the +1 with a few, might go back to nothing if a + or higher grade gets made (a 67+ would be higher than all the 67s). You have a nice set and since it took me awhile to find it, I am going to link it here.
I assume you mean the design of the registry system.
Yes, it does matter if it is good. If the registry is supposed to be competitive, then a workaround shouldn't be to get a bonus because you have a special label. The few exceptions being First Strike and things like that.