Do you set a buy price?

Obviously my buy price moves as longer term prices change. Lately on silver my buy price has been under $30 ask.
Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
Always have a price point in mind but it fluctuates for different pieces.
I really don't pickup any generic unless it's a steal.
The only silver that interests me anymore are premium poured bars. The last few pieces I was overbid on sold for about $80 an ounce. I’m a buyer at around half of that. Needless to say, I haven’t added any bars to the stack since silver was in the teens per ounce.
I picked up a new Dansco silver rounds album a few months back so I've just been piddling around buying one or two ounces at a time if I don't already have them in my other books. Like Downtown, I stopped any meaningful stacking around $17 per.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
Downtown1974, were you buying premium poured bars during the long gone days of 2009 thru 2013 when rare poured bars were being sold on ebay for not much above spot? I was actively buying but I could kick myself senseless for by not bidding more aggressively on some bars I have never seen offered again and if were offered today would be beyond my bidding comfort zone. I think I was "stuck on spot".
@OnlyGoldIsMoney….yes around 2011 I was. Wish I picked up more odd size poured Engelhards. 3 oz. and 7 oz. etc. It’s just so hard for me to justify paying todays premiums. When the bidding for a 3 oz. poured Engelhard hits $1500, my mindset switches and think of the $10 gold eagle I could get for that money.
Downtown1974, we started about the same time and I share your reluctance to pay current prices. I don't doubt that people are really paying $1500 for the most common 3 oz Engelhard bars. I never paid more than $350 for any of my 3 oz Engelhard bars in that 2010 to 2013 period. My Engelhard bar collection is not growing or shrinking; items I could sell for a tidy profit I don't sell as they are just not replaceable.