Is there a reference (online or print) to help me learn how to tell if a coin is cleaned?

Is there a reference (online or print) to help me learn how to tell if a coin is cleaned or has other surface problems that will keep it from being straight graded? I'm looking for a way to get the knowledge needed to help me when I buy a raw coin. It's not too hard when the cleaning is fairly obvious, but I've seen several coins that didn't straight grade where I just don't see the tell-tale hairlines or dullness that I thought such coins have. Are there other things to look for? Are my 10x and 20x loupes just not sufficient for this? Would I need any other equipment or supplies to make this determination?
Thanks to all
Philately will get you nowhere....
Take a grading course. The ANA has amazing courses. It just comes from looking at thousands of coins.
+1, summer seminar is great.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Is there a link or something where to register for these classes?
It looks like I have to go to Colorado for these courses and they're only offered in the summer. Is there any sort of remote learning available?
Look at straight graded coins and detail's graded/cleaned coins online. Places like Ebay are a good place to start.
If you’re able to do so, find a highly knowledgeable collector or dealer who’s willing to sit down with you, review a large quantity of coins together and provide feedback. Pictures won’t help nearly that much as often, cleaning isn’t apparent in them.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
They have shorter 2 day courses periodically at large shows - they also are sponsored by ANA so same website. I did a 2 day intro in Portland OR over a decade ago and a 2 day intermediate at Orlando FL FUN show a couple years ago.
Youtube has many videos on grading, but hard to beat having coins in hand for learning.
There are different methods of cleaning that can keep from straight grading. Chemical or mechanical and determining if too much to straight grade takes experience. For example a pumpkin orange Lincoln has been dipped in acid and will get a 'cleaned' determination. This is different than a silver coin that under a loupe looks like sandpaper was rubbed over the surface.