1986 Fleer Basketball Questions

I am new back into the hobby after over 30 years. I was fascinated by this article -- https://bbcexchange.com/blogs/news/whatnot-1986-87-fleer-basketball-wax-box-x0851
not least of all from how it relates to what I recall from 'back in the day' buying selling and opening packs and boxes in the 1990-1993 period (during which time boxes increased from the $500-$1000 range to $5500-$6500 and packs from $20 to $200) and what I noticed about collation
but as it relates to now
My question is this -- can you get a Jordan out of a pack that legitimately flips in the middle - and I ask this because
flips seem to involve going from one right edge flip card to another - which implies that IF a pack contains a flip, then it is dealing with the right half of a sheet -- since your pack only spans six columns, if somewhere you are near the right edge, you cant get to Jordan (who is second from the left on a sheet) in the same pack
or am I totally off base here? -
secondary question - is the sticker TOTALLY unrelated to the cards above it or are certain stickers predictablky associated with certain 'blocks of cards' (like is the sticker predictably related to a row or column or other block/s of cards somehow) - it just seems that with the way things worked in a set manner, that with 11 stickers and a set made of 11 rows of cards, and the 11/12 ratio playing into all distriubtion, including that of the stickers) that stickers were in fact NOT totally random - but I dont know
one more question -- as far as anyone knows from actual data, does every one of the 132 base cards in fact have the same odds of showing up on the top of a pack from an unaltered box?