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Coins in the Classroom

Finished my restrike book end of last year, just finished my book, Buffalo Nickel Proofs, just editing now.

Want to get back writing a book Coins in the Classroom, to be used by Teachers/parents to introduce and use coins to help teach basic skills such as counting, organizing, history, and using this basic visual tools to introduce coins to them.

Want to do in the same concept as Coin Collecting for the Next Generation, whereas dealers/show organizers who had ideas provided their experience and knowledge in getting kids involved.

Getting teachers to provide their experiences would also provide acceptance and helpful ideas to other teachers.

This book would be a free downloadable.

It could also be used to help kids with mental/physical disabilities learn using coins

IMO, this would also help save our hobby by getting more kids involved.

Look for teachers or people who work with kids using coins to share their experiences herein.

If you want to see a draft of what I wrote so far, please write me at kevinjflynn88@yahoo.com


Kevin J Flynn


  • ColonialcoinColonialcoin Posts: 690 ✭✭✭✭

    Great idea! A 7th grade boy I know is having a challenging time at school, especially with math. I was talking with him and he mentioned that he is interested in early world history. I soon found out that not only is he interested in history, but he knows things that most adults would be clueless about. I suggested to him that he may want to collect coins. I suggested to start slow and learn about each coin. He now collects and is having a blast as he goes to a local coin store every two months or so.

  • DRUNNERDRUNNER Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Kevin . . . . superb idea. I have done this for almost all of my 45 year career (I believe you are aware . . . we did some brief work together years ago).

    I'd have a ton of material for you . . . . I have thought often about doing this myself, but I am glad you are using your expertise on the project! I believe you may still have my contact info if you desire anything from me, but if not, just a DM here would work.

    I use coins for prizes on quizzes and tests, hand out displays of coins from Scarlet Letter through To Kill a Mockingbird, and most everything in between. It also is fun to let them know of things they can actually look for ('W' quarters, etc.). Many kids think those types of things are cool. When a kid holds a Liberty $20 from Huck Finn days directly in their hand . . it leaves a lasting impression.

    Good luck on this . . . .and knowing your work, it'll be super for all!


  • kevinjkevinj Posts: 987 ✭✭✭

    One of the big challenges for this project will be getting images/photos of kids in the classroom

    Kevin J Flynn

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