A Couple of recent Error Pick-Ups

Starting to build up a nice number of different kinds of errors. Price vs coolness factor to me is what I'm digging the most
Starting to build up a nice number of different kinds of errors. Price vs coolness factor to me is what I'm digging the most
Nice to see someone post genuine errors instead of parking lot coins
that the OP insists are errors. I’m sure you didn’t find those CR hunting.
Also, I would hope seeing my username would have been enough to give insight that these would be true errors since I've been on these boards for over 18 years. But, I do understand your skepticism as to having doubt.
Nice 50 year-old double struck cent -
Does the label for the Mercury dime say off center or uncentered Broadstrike?
Two nice error coins – congrats on your latest pick ups.
Do you think it's O/C or Broadstruck?
I tried to develop interest
But failed
Saw money I could have used for non errors.
I've thought about error collecting for many years....just never pulled the trigger.
Glad you did Lee, nice pick ups.
It seems like it should be labeled "uncentered broadstrike" since there is no detail missing. Either way it's very cool!
Collecting errors is a mistake. 🫥😆
I have a few errors but the best one I could ever hope to own I found in a box from the bank. So, it's all downhill from there. But kudos to those who who have managed to put together a collection of nice errors, especially before they became more popular (and expensive). I do enjoy seeing them.
Both are nice. I know who you got the 44-S Dime from. I considered it too.
Interesting (and presumably correct) observation.
Wouldn't the situation regarding reefing (whether or not there is any) seal the deal?
Although it looks like a healthy off-center, there are no design elements missing.
Reeding isn’t a factor -there are plenty of dimes, quarters, and halves with absolutely no reading that are considered broad struck – usually on type one blanks. (this Merc was obviously struck on a type two planchet.)
I couldn't resist buying this one

Very cool 😎
2 full dates
To each their own when it comes to collecting, but my early interest in errors and varieties led directly to my getting a job with Coin World which led directly to my getting a job with the ANA.
Nice pick ups!