@Typekat said:
Great write-up from a dealer perspective! Setting up at a show is an absolute trip in so many ways, and I think you nailed it.
Off-topic, but is your bio here private for a reason?
See-cure-ity. Buy a coin from me and find out who I am…………...
Yeah, that’s sorta my point.
Hypothetically, is stumbling across your table at a coin show the only way to buy a coin from you?
See my website listed below and regular postings in the BST.
Best, DM
@Desert Moon
Sorry, I didn’t notice that link.
A very nice presentation of coins on your site! Best of luck!
( aka ex-Count_Erman, also Richard Smith)
30+ years coin shop experience (ret.) Coins, bullion, currency, scrap & interesting folks. Loved every minute!
@Davidk7 said:
Great meeting you Al! I was a big fan of your inventory, quality stuff that everyone surely appreciates!
Thanks David and nice meeting you and doing some buis back and forth. Also, to everyone, thanks for the suggestions on how to handle some of these issues.
@Desert Moon
Sorry, I didn’t notice that link.
A very nice presentation of coins on your site! Best of luck!
( aka ex-Count_Erman, also Richard Smith)
30+ years coin shop experience (ret.) Coins, bullion, currency, scrap & interesting folks. Loved every minute!
Great meeting you Al! I was a big fan of your inventory, quality stuff that everyone surely appreciates!
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
Thanks David and nice meeting you and doing some buis back and forth. Also, to everyone, thanks for the suggestions on how to handle some of these issues.
Best, DM