APMEX Holder

I've never seen one in hand. What are these made of? Are they slab type holders? Are they securely sealed?
I've never seen one in hand. What are these made of? Are they slab type holders? Are they securely sealed?
I've got some SEs and UK silver in those (assuming they are the same as mine).
They aren't slabs. They're a rigid flexible plastic if that makes sense. They hold their shape but they're sort of a soft plastic rather than a hard capsule or slab. I can't really think of a comparable US Mint package. But they are completely sealed.
If you wanted to open one you would cut it with scissors rather than crack it open.
Some of them are marked to indicate that they are eligible for an early release label if you ever get them slabbed by PCGS.
Thanks Jeff ( @JBK ). So they're like, let's say, a pack of writing pens packaged like you'd buy at Walmart?
I hope that makes sense. LOL!! Would they fit in a NGC or PCGS slab box?
They're very similar to that kind of package but maybe a bit thicker. I bought a small electric tool at Lowe's not too long ago that was in the same type of package; I looked but I couldn't find a photo online of the item in the package.
I'm pretty sure they would fit in a PCGS or NGC slab box. I think they intentionally mimic the outline (but not thickness) of the PCGS slab.
Come to think of it, the ones I have say MintDirect, but those are SEs where APMEX is an authorized dealer for US bullion. But if you're buying them from APMEX I'm sure they're OK.
Personally, I like them. They are good protection for the coins. We've been giving them as birth year gifts to the babies in the family.
Mike, you’ve probably seen ASE’s and other bullion in these sort of things, we bought them all the time when I worked in a Coin Shop. They’re made of rigid plastic and sonically sealed. The only difference in the APMEX is that they try to mimic a standard slab.
Thanks @Maywood . They seen like a good alternative to getting one, or buying one, slabbed.
How many of you have worked in a coin shop?
Not me.
That reminded me....Littleton uses a similar concept for it's coins housed in their "Showpak" holders, if you've ever encountered those.
Rigid clam shell
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
That container had me interested in that it has PCGS goldshield emblem and was wondering what the reverse looks like. I was going to cut and paste their explanation, but decided to just link it. They are securely sealed and eligible for first strike if you want to submit to PCGS.
@JBK, that's exactly what I was thinking of, I just couldn't remember who marketed them.
I saw by following your link that they also have boxes for their holders in 10 and 20 coin sizes.