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Looking for some options to sell off some MISC cards PSA graded and Raw

mealewormmealeworm Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭

Good morning,
This is definitely a long winded post, but I was trying to be descriptive as possible in order to get the best answers. There might even be a few old timers on these boards that remember me from the early 2000s.

Living in Cincinnati, Ohio and being stuck in the snow gave me time to clean up the card room yesterday. I have so many things that are either no longer appealing to me or just taking up space and honestly just need to be gone. That being said, I haven't really collected or bought and sold cards in many years, and certainly have no idea what would be the best and most efficient way to go about selling these items. These are not auction house items, but I feel many could be consignments. Its just been so long since I have been in the game, I have no idea who would be a good option. I am assuming the answers will vary based on the items I am looking to sell but here is a quick summary of the items. Again, I am not too interested in listing individual items myself, not sending anything out to be graded, but definitely would entertain selling or trading a few of the items on here, as I was a collector once myself. The ultimate goal is to thin the herd and take all of the proceeds to purchase one last card, a 1957 Mantle PSA7-8. So if anyone has a 1957 Mantle they are looking to move, I am sure we can get something together that will benefit us both.

PSA graded 54-56, and 58 cards roughly 250 cards (not selling any 57s at this time).
These cards are all over the map from PSA 4 - PSA 8, stars and commons. Some $10 cards and some 10K cards.

MISC PSA graded HOF baseball 1970-1990 and random PSA graded cards roughly 75 cards. majority of these cards are $30-$150

RAW cards. This is the huge one. Thousands of raw cards from the 1950s-1980s. Some being in unreal shape for the year. I would like to send a handful of these off to someone and have them listed and see how they do and possibly send more in groups. This is definitely the most interested area of my question.

Allen & Ginter 2006-2014- Complete sets, minis, duplicates, and every goofy sub set(not complete) that one might have gotten from opening packs. These need to go to a collector, Not much value, but I remember there was a strong AG group many years ago on these boards.

That's pretty much the run down of the items I am looking to move in the near future. I have added the link to my sets that have many of the cards listed that would be available.


TIA and stay safe if you are in a part of the country affected by the weather.


1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)


  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭

    I think many people would advise you check out Greg Morris for auctioning off a significant amount of raw cards. The minimums he requires in terms of overall lot value are steep but sounds like it could be a good fit for you. For consigning graded stuff, I'd check out pcsportscards. Good luck in landing your '57 Mick!

  • Hi Dave!
    I was checking out your 56 set since I've been working on that set for a very long time. You have some nice cards in there.



    Working on 56T BB and 80T BB
    Looking to trade blocks of BB graded commons for other blocks of BB commons


  • mealewormmealeworm Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭

    Originalisbest- Thanks for the advice. I had several people mention Greg Morris as an avenue to unload some of the raw cards. I plan to reach out and hope it leads to something. I was completely unfamiliar with pcsportscards, but will look into them as well. I would be interested in hearing any stories from anyone that might have dealt with wither of these two in the past, good or bad.

    SinibobCards- Thanks for the kind words on the '56 set. I really had high hopes of completing that set in similar fashion to my '57 set. I really liked the idea of having a set from the last big cards, and I absolutely love the 56 design. Every card in that set was self submitted, and I am still upset that my Mantle only graded a PSA 6- its such a fantastic card. Good luck with your set, its fantastic. I took a quick look and I definitely could fill some of your holes, but it appears you are trending more towards PSA 8 and away from 7s'. I don't think I have much in that range that would interest you, but if so feel free to reach out.

    1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
    Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
  • ElMagoStrikeZoneElMagoStrikeZone Posts: 672 ✭✭✭✭

    Echo the sentiment on Greg Morris. Copy your original post in this thread and email it directly. I'm certain you'll do well with what you've described. I did very well thinning the herd. No regrets.

    Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.

  • mealewormmealeworm Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭

    ElMagoStrikeZone- Thanks for your sentiments on Greg Morris. They have been contacted and we are in discussions.

    1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
    Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
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