JEFFERSON NICKELS AU-58 thru MS67 coins and a link to all coins added, some Monster toners

Link to submission
REV of 1940 AU58 $35
1940-D AU58 $35
1943-D PLANCHET FLAW but coin is high grade and FULL STEPS $35
1948-D AU58 Nice color $35
1938-S MS65 $45 Nice Toning
1943-S MS67 $75
1940-D MS66 $38 - NICE COLOR
1943-D MS66 $44
1943-S MS66 $45
1950-D MS66 Nicely toned looks Full Steps $60
1950-D MS66 $50
1950-D MS66 Nicely toned looks Full Steps $65 - SOLD
I will consider BEST OFFERS or trades for silver bullion or 90% coin.
Prices are net to me.
I have several more coins to add to this list so watch for them over the next several days.

Here is the Submission # 7181308
I shared the order and all coins have photos. If you see anything that you like send me a PM.
Not everything is for sale,,,,,,,,
The dollars aren't for sale,,,,, the 1950-D MS66FS and the 1947-D MS67FS are not for sale.
Some others I will want to keep also.
Your link takes me to my account, not yours ... could you post beginning and ending certificate numbers?
50928769 thru 50928818
I'll see if I can find the shared orders link and try posting that.
Does this link work?
yes that link works 50 coins