Fakes on eBay

Search for Silver Eagles on eBay and the results are ridiculous. There are some darn good fakes out there.
I bought 5 for a $129 from one seller only to get all fakes. Good fakes, but fakes. XRF tested them and they were mostly Copper Nickel. Even now the ads for fake ASE's are all over the place on eBay. When I identified them as fake a nd let the seller know, the seller was no longer active on ebay. I let ebay know and they told me to send them back, which I did, and money was refunded a few days later.
Today I went to the PO Box and the coins I returned were sent back to me with an address "not-known" sticker. So now I got my money back and the fake Eagles. But I am out the return postage. I do not think I have ever seen a time with so many fakes so blatantly displayed. No body ever reads this far and I am sure there will be a "what did you expect for $129" response. Except, I got what I expected, I just wanted to see if they were getting away with it.
you could have asked here. yes they get away with it all the time.
we try to group nuke as many ebay listings as possible, but there are so many morgan and ase listings (plus the other types) we can't find them all
because of this, it is hard to gauge the size of the problem
one issue is that our group nukes generally work, it's not 100%. someone gets away with them!
I saw a guy selling Uncirculated 1928 Peace dollars from China for something like $35 each and had sold over 20 of them with great feedback. We have a problem Houston!
post the urls >>in a new thread for each<< ... use report and counterfeit in the title ... and we will do our best to group nuke them
SEs for significantly under melt...
I'm not sure how you went about doing the return but if you had fixed a SNAD then I think ebay gives you a prepaid label that the seller has to pay for. In that scenario you get made whole, including postage both ways.
Christmas was last week.