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Help w/ 1911-S 1C; Estimating value for submission

I’m a first timer here and I had a bit of trouble with trying to determine the approximate value for a 1911-S Lincoln wheat cent. I have purchased a 4 voucher set but it only covers up to a certain price. I’m not sure if the coin I want to send in is covered within this price range or if it goes over do I send it as a separate item? I couldn’t find anywhere as to where to find answers to my question so I thought I’d come here and ask. I hope the pictures that I added are good enough to help with my question. Thanks, Cesar.


  • GreenstangGreenstang Posts: 1,233 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice looking cent.
    To get an approximate value, look up the sold on eBay for a coin in the same approximate condition.
    This will give you an idea of what they are selling for.

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